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Dextrose Prolotherapy

Comprehensive Dextrose Prolotherapy Discover a natural, regenerative approach to pain relief with dextrose prolotherapy. In this detailed exploration, we uncover the science behind this innovative therapy, its mechanisms of action, applications in pain management, safety considerations, and the growing body of evidence supporting its effectiveness.
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Understanding Dextrose Prolotherapy

Dextrose prolotherapy, also known as proliferative therapy or regenerative injection therapy, is a non-surgical treatment modality aimed at stimulating the body’s natural healing mechanisms to address chronic musculoskeletal pain. This technique involves the injection of a dextrose solution into damaged ligaments, tendons, or joints, triggering a localized inflammatory response which triggers release of growth factors and collagen deposition, that initiates the healing process. Tendon insertions, and in adjacent joint spaces in order to promote growth of normal cells and tissues. The proliferate solutions used mainly contain the medical-grade Dextrose (in different concentrations), along with other natural substances (Northgate sodium, phenol, glycerin, scraping, biominerals, etc.), Hence the name. The great advantage of Dextrose Prolotherapy is that it is Safe, and has unique ability to address root causes of disability. Research and scientific studies have shown that Comprehensive Dextrose Prolotherapy is superior to the traditional conservative treatments in relieving the root cause of problems of chronic musculoskeletal pain, sports injuries and arthritis. It is an Effective, Trustworthy, Reliable and a Viable Alternative to non-effective conservative treatments including surgery.
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Mechanism of Action

  • Prolotherapy works by the same process that the human body naturally uses to stimulate the body’s healing system, a process called inflammation.
  • The ideal dextrose concentration in prolotherapy injections is still under investigation. Higher concentration of dextrose more than 5% induced cell apoptosis.The studies demonstrated that high glucose concentrations reduce inflammation-induced neurogenic deterioration, furthering the currently incomplete understanding of the effect of dextrose in wound healing cascade, proliferation, collagen deposition and tissue repair.
  • The mechanisms of how dextrose injections work on physiologic and cellular levels in patients are not yet fully delineated, still it is seems to acts in under mentioned ways.
  • Stimulation of Tissue Repair: Dextrose acts as a proliferant, stimulating fibroblast activity and collagen synthesis in damaged connective tissues. This promotes the formation of new collagen fibers, strengthening weakened ligaments and tendons and restoring structural integrity to joints. The growth of new ligament and tendon tissue is then stimulated. The ligaments and tendons produced after Prolotherapy appear much the same as normal tissues, except that they are thicker, stronger, and contain fibers of varying thickness, testifying to the new and ongoing creation of tissue.
  • Modulation of Pain Pathways:By inducing a controlled inflammatory response, dextrose prolotherapy interrupts pain signaling pathways and desensitizes pain receptors, resulting in reduced pain perception and improved functional outcomes.
  • Anti-inflammatory Effects:Despite inducing a transient inflammatory response, dextrose prolotherapy paradoxically exerts anti-inflammatory effects over the long term by promoting tissue repair and remodeling. This helps alleviate chronic inflammation associated with musculoskeletal conditions such as osteoarthritis and tendonitis.
  • Enhancement of Joint Stability:By strengthening ligaments and tendons, dextrose prolotherapy improves joint stability and proprioception, reducing the risk of recurrent injuries and enhancing mobility and functionality.
    • Uses of Prolotherapy
    For the patient, the goal of Prolotherapy in chronic musculoskeletal pain and instability is the stimulation of body’s natural healing and regenerative processes in the joint that will facilitate the repair and regrowth of connective tissue, ligaments, tendons for tensile strength, and cartilage and other joint stabilizing structures such as labral tissue. Dextrose prolotherapy involve injecting a sugar solution into a joint or other part of the body to treat a range of conditions, such as:  
  • Osteoarthritis:Dextrose prolotherapy offers a promising treatment option for individuals suffering from osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease characterized by cartilage breakdown and joint inflammation. By promoting the regeneration of damaged cartilage and stabilizing affected joints, prolotherapy helps alleviate pain and improve joint function, thereby enhancing quality of life for osteoarthritis patients.
  • Chronic Tendon Injuries:Tendon injuries such as tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, Achilles tendinopathy, and rotator cuff tears often respond well to dextrose prolotherapy. By stimulating collagen production and enhancing tendon healing, prolotherapy facilitates pain relief and functional restoration in individuals with chronic tendon injuries.
  • Ligament Sprains and Tears:Ligamentous injuries resulting from trauma or repetitive strain can lead to chronic pain and functional impairment. Dextrose prolotherapy targets damaged ligaments, promoting fibroblast proliferation and collagen deposition to strengthen weakened ligamentous structures and restore joint stability.
  • Back Pain:Chronic low back pain, a common and debilitating condition, may be effectively treated with dextrose prolotherapy. By addressing underlying ligamentous laxity and instability, prolotherapy offers a nonsurgical approach to back pain management, reducing reliance on pain medications and invasive interventions.
    • Advantages of Prolotherapy
    Dextrose Prolotherapy  is:  
  • Less aggressive and less expensive than surgery.
  • It will heal tissue with minimal or no scarring and prevent further degeneration of the tissues.
  • Can be used with other treatment
  • Reduce pain and stiffness
  • Improved strength, function, and mobility of the joint
  • Increase the strength of ligaments and other tissues
    • Process of Prolotherapy procedure
    During the procedure, the provider will:  
  • Clean your skin with alcohol
  • Apply lidocaine cream/local anaesthetic spray to the injection site to reduce pain
  • Inject the solution( mixture of Hypertonic Dextrose with local anaesthetic) in the affected joint, ligaments or tendons
  • The process should take around 30 minutes, including preparation, after you arrive at the facility. After observation of few minutes and ensuring patient’s safety patient can safely discharged. While response to treatment varies, most people will experience significant improvement in symptoms after only 1 treatment. Some patients require anywhere from 2 to 6 sets of injections. Each set of treatment is spaced approximately 4 to 6 weeks apart. There is no limit to the number of treatments you can have.  
    • Do’s and Don’ts
  • You are restricted from the use of non-steroid anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) one week prior to the procedure and throughout the course of treatments.
  • You must also be at least 3 months removed from cortisone injection and one week removed from oral corticosteroids.
  • Initially, the procedure may cause some localized soreness and discomfort, that can be managed by mild medication advised by doctor. Ice and heat may be applied to the area as needed.
  • After the first week after the procedure, patients will typically start a rehabilitation program with physical therapy. However, aggressive physical activity is discouraged.
    • Course of Prolotherapy
    • Dextrose Prolotherapy helps regenerate tendons and ligaments but it is not a quick fix.
    • This therapy stimulates the growth and repair of tendons and ligaments, and requires time and rehabilitation. Through regular visits, your doctor will determine when you are able to resume regular physical activities.
    • On average, patients return to sports between 8 to 12 weeks after the Dextrose Prolotherapy injection.
    Evidence-Based Support
  • A growing body of scientific evidence supports the efficacy of dextrose prolotherapy in pain management across various musculoskeletal conditions. Clinical studies, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses have demonstrated the therapeutic benefits of prolotherapy in reducing pain, improving function, and enhancing quality of life for patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain.Dextrose prolotherapy represents a safe, effective, and minimally invasive approach to pain management, offering hope and relief for individuals suffering from chronic musculoskeletal conditions. By harnessing the body’s innate healing mechanisms, prolotherapy promotes tissue repair, reduces pain, and restores function, enabling patients to reclaim active and fulfilling lives free from the burden of chronic pain.