We have tried to answer the most common questions that patients may have about the role of pain management and pain clinics in Vadodara in treating their pain. Hopefully, you will find answers to your questions below. In case you have a query about a specific pain problem that you are facing, you can ask your query & any questions, feel free to drop us a line at info@samvednapainclinic.com or contact us on whatsapp on 098797 91996.

Pain management techniques and interventions are aimed at healing the root cause of pain. Results may vary from patient to patient. Any treatment for patient is decided after careful examination of patient & considering reports together. Success ratio of all Interventional procedure done at Samvedna Pain Clinic is more than 70-80 % & operation can be avoided in most of the cases.

Only in Joint pain 2-3 sittings are required 1 month apart , otherwise in spine procedures or others injections mostly 1 sitting is sufficient in most of the cases. Still depending on the age and condition of the patient, how strictly patient follows do’s and dont’s advised by us and the body’s ability to repair itself, results can vary from person to person. In about 15-20% patients, re-injections after 9 to 12 months may be required.

We use highly specialized injections with highest degree of safety and precision. We use Platelet Rich Plasma( PRP),Dextrose prolotherapy, Local Anesthetics, Ozone for injections. We strictly follow the guidelines for the dosages and indications for injections, so patients can be benefited maximally without side effects. Please refer above mention therapies in “How we treat” section for more details.

Yes, majority of procedure / treatment related to spine are covered under Insurance.

we don’t use steroids for knee/joints and muscle injections. There are few spine conditions in which we use it only after patient permission. We use a special from of steroid injection at exactly on pain generator for one time only. By doing so, we get maximum effect on desired site without any side effects on other organ.

No, Joint and muscle injections don’t require hospitalization. Only  certain spine procedures require observation for 2-6 hrs.

No absolutely not. Often we use Non invasive therapies (without injection or Surgery) which are totally painless.  In case of injection therapies, we use local anesthetics and numbing spray to make sure your injections go painless.

No there are no short term or long term side effects of these injections. Unlike surgery, which typically carries considerable amount of risk and side effects, These injections are absolutely safe for all age groups and patients with most types of medical illnesses. We choose most suitable agent for injections according to patients health profile [Avoiding Dextrose(sugar) prolotherapy in Diabetic patients], so the side effects can be eliminated in each patient.

Physiotherapy is certainly beneficial if used properly according to the patient’s pain condition, but results may not be long lasting or it may not be effective at all in few cases. In such cases definitive treatment by an interventional pain specialist is required.  Such Interventional treatments provide fast and long lasting pain relief with saving of money and time.


No it is not absolutely necessary to follow any special diet, but we do suggest customized diet, exercises and some life style modification guidelines for our patients to gain optimal recovery.  Please refer “Samvedna Lifestyle Modification Guidelines For Pain Control”  in  “How we treat” section for more details.

It depends upon the patients conditions. But in general with Interventions procedures and therapies medicines requirement will be a lot lesser in number, dosage and duration compared to routine scenario. They help to reduce medicines and possible side effects of medicines.